Food Waste
"Food waste isn’t considered a problem because, for the most part, it isn’t considered at all. It’s easy to ignore because it’s both common and customary. I have yet to meet someone who is pro-food waste, but many aren’t convinced that it’s important”
⏤ Jonathan Bloom
A large portion of the food produced never reaches a home. From harvest to shipment to distribution, food waste occurs throughout the process.
Surprisingly, once we bring it home, we are responsible for the largest portion of all food waste!
Shocking numbers abound on the internet on site after site, article after article about how we waste food at home.
An NRDC report sums it up, “If the United States went grocery shopping, we would leave the store with five bags and drop two in the parking lot. And leave them there.”
They add, “In our diverse nation of 322 million people, wasting food emerges as an embarrassing unifier. No matter our age, gender, economic status, or education level, we all waste food.”
Some major contributors to food waste are: spoilage, over-preparing, date label confusion, overbuying, and poor planning.
To protect our wallets, landfills and planet -
What can we do about this?
How can we make this important in our daily lives?