"To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow." ⏤ Audrey Hepburn
The best way to avoid food waste is to grow your own.
You can reap a bounty of benefits from a garden.
Vegetables, herbs, fruits and flowers, plus health, health, and mental health!
Compare the energy expended between
a) what is grown in your garden, a community garden or a local farm
b) what is grown as far away as the other side the world, transported, gassed, waxed, preserved, irradiated, genetically modified, refrigerated, packaged, stored, and displayed.
If your garden tomato goes to “waste,” it is almost not wasted if it goes directly into the compost pile. The soil nutrients in the tomato return to the soil.
Personally, the time I have spent gardening has been well-spent and the time I have spent relaxing in the garden has been well-wasted.
Grow your own.