"Be where you are. Look around. Just look, don't interpret. See the light, shapes, colors, textures. Be aware of the silent presence of each thing. Be aware of the space that allows everything to be.” ― Eckhart Tolle
What do you want in your life?
Because, this is it.
to get what you want,
be brave and determined,
clear out what you don’t want.
Create and take up S P A C E. You are worthy.
Our inner and outer worlds often reflect the other.
You can start with your OUTER WORLD.
Clean out a drawer, a closet, your refrigerator, a bank account,
maybe, a toxic relationship?
Flick away the vestiges of your unfortunate past.
Remove the things that remind you of what didn’t happen.
Leave an empty chair at the table.
Creating space in your home and life is an invitation for new opportunities, relationships, joys, sensations, and your overall well-being.
You can start with your INNER WORLD.
What isn’t serving you? What are you yearning for?
Say no to pain, resentment, angst and any resemblance to a doormat.
Say no even to opportunities that might be nice, but not nice enough.
Replace negative talk with real wisdom. (I did not hear you say your legs are lumpy and fat. I see beautiful legs that hold you up and get you to the next place you are going.)
Breathe space into your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual life.
What spots are you holding or gripping? What can you release?
Use your senses. Listen to yourself.
What are you letting burn? What are you igniting?
Creating space in your home and life is an invitation for new opportunities, relationships, joys, sensations, and your overall well-being.
don’t think about it.
Do it. Feel it.
What are you inviting into your life?